Jan 16, 2010

Rambling view on death.

Death. Some view it as passing from life to the afterlife. Some think of it as moving from this life to the next incarnation, some think of it as the end of life, period. Death is the great unknown, or as George, Carlin said "the last great mystery".

If some one dies after suffering from an illness, and we know they are a Christian, we know they are much better off where they are now than while they were here, why do we grieve for them? I think we are grieving more for our loss than for their passing. We have suffered a loss of someone important to us so we grieve.

When I die (which I hope doesn't happen soon) I hope I am important enough to some people that they grieve their loss of me. But I also hope they celebrate my life. I hope I leave enough good memories that my family and friends can tell some "Stan Stories" and have a couple of laughs.

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